Your Gateway to Academic Excellence
Due To Increasing Competition In The Education Sector, We Understand The Importance Of the Admission Process For Your Institution.
To meet the challenges in educational institutions, the IFW ERP team has worked hard and with complete dedication to provide you with an admission module. This admission module will help colleges and universities to handle all admission inquiries easily. Now the admission process can be managed from a single desk using the admission module in IFW ERP.
What will you get
Module Highlights
- Online admission forms facilities available along with document/photograph attachments.
- Online admission forms are integrated with major payment gateways.
- The admission module in IFW ERP is a centralized system to manage admission inquiries for multiple institutes and campuses.
- Manage prospectus sales and provisional admissions through the admission module in IFW ERP.
- Pool in all leads and investigations into a single central panel through the admission module in IFW ERP.
- The admission module in IFW ERP will assist you in maintaining follow-up with leads till admission closures.
- Comprehensive Admission Analysis can be done through the admission module in IFW ERP.
Frequently asked questions
How It's Helpful
1. In the admission module we provide you with a dynamic tool to create and modify your admission form.
2. Institutes can also charge an admission fee amount that can be submitted online through the admission module in IFW ERP.
3. Other than this, counselors can manage walk-in inquiries or prospectus sales through offline mode also.
4. Through the admission module in IFW ERP, online or offline fee payments will directly get reflected in the fees and accounts module.
USPs of Admission Module In IFW ERP
1. Prospectus sales management (offline as well as online).
2. Single central panel for all admission procedures.
3. Integrated payment gateways.