Dataton Highlights the Mahashivratri event
INDIA: Every weekend, the statue of Adiyogi above the Isha Yoga Centre in Southern India comes alight with the use of Dataton’s Watchout mapping software alongside Watchmax media servers, surround sound, and Epson projectors. For this year’s Mahashivratri event, held at the Isha Yoga Centre, Axis Three Dee Studios was called upon to create a brand-new 14-minute-long production utilizing 4K content delivered by the Dataton Watchout system. Avijit Samajdar, CEO of Axis Three Dee Studios was appointed the role of producer and director. Experts from Dataton and Epson were included in the technical team to help with the event.
‘Projection mapping is usually attempted on lighter colored surfaces that evenly reflect light, unlike in this case, black, which greatly absorbed it,’ said Samajdar. ‘What’s more, the sheen on the surface meant that the proper colors did not appear, and the team devised a unique color palette (Real Time Colour Cancellation process) to counter the interference hues from the shiny surface. Thus, the final amalgam of colors using this process, came out vivid and rich during projection, with unwanted reflective hues canceled out in real time.’
In order to display a clear and full image, 24 Epson laser projectors with Dataton Watchout software were used for this project.
‘Due to certain inherent constraints to the locations for the permanent setup of the two projection towers at the site, the projectors were arranged in four stacked sets by the technical team, to ensure maximum optimization of lumens and angle of incidence of the projected light,’ Samajdar added.
Ashok Sharma, regional sales manager at Dataton, also commented: ‘Naturally, the center did not want to have a projection tower built in front of the Adiyogi statue as this could obstruct viewing and visitors. The solution was to build two towers, of limited height, at 45° angles. The left tower covers the entire left side of the statue and the right tower covers the whole right side of the statue. The mapped show was programmed in Watchout production software by Manesh ‘Manu’ Kadam and we then deployed two Watchmax media servers to ensure flawless mapping of the content on the surface of the Adiyogi from both left and right sides. The Dataton Watchmax servers are also integrated with the 5.1 channel sound of the show with Sirvinder ‘Lucky’ Singh from Purple Vector responsible for overall AV system integration.’